Tuesday, March 1, 2016

After having a quick discussion about a book the girls had both read we got to talking about what we wanted at our own funerals.

H: Do you want me to talk at your funeral mum?

Me: I don’t care who talks at my funeral.  As long as they talk about how cool I was.

H: Well that’s gonna be a short funeral then! *laughs hysterically*

I set myself up every time with that girl.  Needless to say she’s not on the guestlist.  ;-)

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tidbits from my boy....(He's middle child with 4 sisters!)

We hired the movie 'How to lose friends and alienate people" (dumb movie btw). 

Our 6yr (at the time) old wanted to know which people the Alien Ate! 

He's so on to it.


I am just doing exams with my kids (oral questions about what they have
remembered from their readings this term). 

I asked my son who the composer was that we were studying this term and his reply was Betenova! 

That would have been pretty good had we been studying Beethoven....
 but we have been studying Vivaldi!


Our oldest 3 are packing to go on holiday camp tomorrow...

Hubby says to our boy, "son, you need to get a toilet bag to put your toiletries in"

Boy in his usual non-processing way replies, "what?! you gotta poo in a bag??"

Sigh...how am I gonna get someone to marry him one day when he says things like this?


The other day we were driving to one of the kids activities and I realised that I didn't have make-up on. So I went to turn around and come home.

The kids said "No mum, we're already late...you look fine"
I said "No way I'm going out looking like this." (Yes...I'm vain).
They said "You can't even tell the difference mum" (First knife to the heart!)
I said "yes you can...I need make up to hide everything."

Son says "hmmm...I can't tell you wear any...maybe your wrinkles are hiding the makeup?" (Right there...driving that dagger home!)

He's out of hospital now and doing fine. Lets hope he's learnt that there are some things that are better left in your own heads.  ;-)


Son: Mum is the rule "A" before "I" except after "H"?
Me: Um...no.
Son: What is it then?
Me: Are you thinking of "I" before "E" except after "C"?
Son: Hmmm...no cos I want to spell chair.
I'm thinking English Professor may not be the career path for my boy....or any of us come to think of it.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

3 Years holding my breath!

Did I break any records?
You know...me not blogging.
That's what I was doing right?  :-o

I post on FB.  It's no pressure and my pitiful excuse for a journal.

I'm thinking of collating it all in here.

So don't mind me..I'm moving back in for a while...maybe...probably.  So I can see how it fits.

I know I know...you didn't even realise that I'd moved out.

You stumbled in a drunken blog frenzy upon this random post...

But feel free to stay...or return...or not.

I'm rambling.  It's easy to do that when you think no-one is listening...reading...whatever.

K...I'm gonna go.

I've got copying and pasting to do.  Like I said...I'm moving back in.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

If you want anything done, you really do have to do it yourself!

Wow, so apparently just having a blog doesn't mean that posts will magically appear!  You ACTUALLY do have to write them!  Hmmmm...and there we have a problem.

Perhaps it's just that I am directionless...
    Perhaps all my thoughts are already spoken through others.....
         Perhaps I am afraid that others will not see value in my thoughts....
Or quite possibly
               Perhaps I am far too busy playing Solitaire Blitz (and the like) on Facebook!   Eek.

Anyways...writing now mean that I am posting before I have hit two years without a post...just!

So whats been happening in the last two years?

We are still homeschooling...albeit badly...but we are hanging in there.  The children have been in tears a few times as they have been threatened with Public School.  (Not our oldest...she's itching to go back.)

We have a new Prime Minister who we were hoping would bring some positive changes but is perhaps getting people's backs up more than anything.

Christchurch and Japan were hit with massive natural disasters.

The London Olympics have been and gone.  Teaching us that we can spend millions of dollars on world sporting and yet leave children starving all over the world.  (I shouldn't be cynical about it.  I actually do really love seeing people striving for excellence and achieving amazing results.  I just hate the extreme amounts of money that is spent on the "for show" parts of this wonderful world event.

We are hearing lot's about this new "Mormon" guy who is going inflict his "cult" onto everyone if he gets voted in as Americas next President.

(I really should watch the news more often as I'm struggling terribly to come up with any world events!)

And lastly...our family are all a little bit older, a little bit wiser and still very much healthy and well and very blessed to be alive and living in such a beautiful free country.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Excuses, excuses

I'm homeschooling now! Yep, right there that should have you all stunned and amazed and lightbulbs turning on all over the place as to why my riveting blog came to such a sudden holt after a whopping 9 posts. Crazy stuff I tell ya.
I want to say that homeschooling has made me more focused on my children and I guess in some ways it has but to be honest I have been so caught up in trying to get organised and find material for homeschooling that I don't have time to homeschool. One of life's little ironies.
It was hard enough balancing all of the extra curricular activities that happened after school hours but sometimes it seems even more difficult now that the kids aren't out for a huge chunk of the day, giving me time and space to catch up on whatever else I needed to waste...I mean WISELY spend time on.
As much as I miss moments of a tidy house, I have to say I LOVE IT! Homeschooling really is very cool. Of course just like my blogging abilities, I am still very much an amateur but so far so good. Yesterday we even managed to homeschool AND tidy up the house. I know!!
Of course today was another story but in all fairness running completely out of water has to take the blame for that one.
Anyway..just wanted to post another semi viable reason for my lack of entries. As much as I love the praise and adoration from the whole wide blogging world (obviously adoration that is sent telepathically and not through comments) I am loving my children telling me that they love homeschooling and are very happy doing what we are doing. Nothing is cooler than praise from your children.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Another one of lifes failures.

Well it turns out I am terrible at keeping up a blog. I'm not sure what I was thinking considering I have never been able to keep up a journal for any considerable amount of time either. Life can really beat ya down sometimes. What happened to my weaknesses becoming strengths? It didn't happen to my parenting, it certainly hasn't happened to my cooking, my stick figures are still totally out of proportion and now add another failure to the list...my blogging abilities (or non-abilities if we're being honest.)
But hey...I'm no quitter (ok maybe just in the kitchen...I think it's better for everyone that way). I will persevere with my blogging career and may possibility eventually bring about world peace all because I did my part in the blogosphere.
Don't give up on me yet people.

Friday, July 9, 2010

A little bit of heaven

I am in my home alone! Think that's pretty self explanatory. Gotta go before they get back!